International experts to discuss impact of non-communicable diseases at ICN Congress 2023 in Montreal

Press Release Congress 2023
11 January 2023
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The International Council of Nurses’ (ICN) Congress, to be held in Montreal, Canada, 1-5 July 2023, will highlight the impact of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and the importance of promoting and enabling healthier communities with discussions led by two international nursing leaders: Radha Saini, consultant at the Department of Non-Communicable Diseases at the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for the Western Pacific, and Professor Patricia M. Davidson, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Wollongong, Australia.

The pandemic rocked the foundations of health systems and economies around the world. Part of the problem was that health system response was undermined by an underestimated threat – NCDs. People living with NCDs have been at the centre of this crisis in both low- and high- income countries. The high prevalence of NCDs is a major factor in increased mortality and morbidity during the pandemic. In addition to the direct impact of the virus on individuals, people living with NCDs are experiencing collateral damage of the pandemic – service disruptions. Today, communities are still feeling the effects of postponed treatments and life- saving medicines. This session will focus on the challenges and strategies required to address this issue and build healthy communities. Nursing solutions are required now more than ever!

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Radha Saini is currently working in Manila, Philippines as a consultant in the WHO Department of Management of Non-Communicable Diseases (MNCDs). Prior to this, she served in Sierra Leone as a WHO consultant. This community health nursing teacher and public health expert from India is an avid researcher with a proven track record of supervising and mentoring nursing students. A fellow of the Union for International Cancer Control, she has received many accolades from the Government of India for her outstanding services in the field of nursing education and practice.

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Patricia M. Davidson, PhD, Med, RN, FAAN, joined the University of Wollongong (Australia) as Vice-Chancellor in May 2021. Prior to her current role, Professor Davidson was Dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing in Baltimore, USA. In 2021, she was the recipient of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health Distinguished Leader Award which celebrated her exceptional contributions to the advancement of global health worldwide. As a global leader in nursing, health care, and advocacy, Davidson’s work focuses on person-centred care delivery and the improvement of cardiovascular health outcomes for women and at risk vulnerable populations.

ICN 2023 promises to be one of the most impactful ICN Congresses yet! The theme of the Congress is Nurses together: a force for global health and it will also look closely at key topics such as nursing leadership; emergency and disaster management; nursing regulation and education; improving the quality and safety of healthcare delivery; advancing nursing practice; growing and sustaining the nursing workforce; promoting and enabling healthier communities; and addressing global health priorities and strengthening health systems. A full list of confirmed Congress speakers can be found here.

Early bird rates for registration to Congress are open until 31 January. Participants will receive full access to all official Congress sessions; e-posters; partner and industry symposia; master classes; a vibrant exhibition space; networking opportunities; and continuing education credits (ICNECs). To register, go to

Further information and regular updates on the Congress programme are available on the Congress website:

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