How we do it

ICN advances nursing, nurses and health through its policies, partnerships, advocacy, leadership development, networks, campaigns, congresses and special projects. 

Our ever-increasing networks and connections to people reinforce the importance of strong linkages with national, regional and international nursing and non-nursing organisations. Building positive relationships internationally helps position ICN, nurses and nursing for now and the future. Our work with the specialized agencies of the United Nations system, particularly with the World Health Organization, are important for nurses everywhere. In addition, we work closely with a range of international non-governmental organizations and other partners   



Discover how ICN advances nursing

World Health Organization

As one of the first seven non-governmental organisations to be accepted into official relations with the World Health Organization in 1948, ICN has worked collaboratively on many projects of mutual interest over the years.

Other international organizations

Since the founding of the League of Nations in 1920, ICN has worked collaboratively and consistently on many projects of mutual interest with the United Nations and its agencies, demonstrating expertise and capacity to contribute and consult on a wide range of general issues of concern to ECOSOC and the UN.


ICN works with various partners on campaigns which promote and share key messages on topics of particular interest to nursing. By providing factual, accurate and reliable information on a broad range of issues, ICN is an active and effective advocate on key issues.


ICN’s projects extend our capacity to deliver initiatives addressing the Sustainable Development Goals; provide global platforms for ICN to synergise with other organisations to deliver access to specialised knowledge and research on key nursing and health topics; and support programmatic activity on today’s critically important global health issues.

NNA Development & Leadership Programmes

ICN provides strategic leadership and development programmes for our members and for nurses across the world in order to advance the nursing profession to meet current and future needs of the population, health systems and nurses.

Education and training

Education and training opportunities for nurses ensure that they have the most up-to-date, relevant knowledge and skills to provide quality care for their patients. ICN provides these opportunities to nurses in order to transform healthcare and health systems and improve patient outcomes.

Certified Global Nurse Consultants

Creating a bank of experts to contribute to national and global nursing and healthcare policy-making


In conjunction with external funders and our own foundation, the International Council of Nurses is proud to sponsor awards that recognise outstanding achievement and encourage initiative and talent.