ICN welcomes the Sudanese Nurses Organization as its newest member

Press Release Congress 2023
29 June 2023
Sudan NNA

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) is pleased to announce that the Sudanese Nurses Organization has joined its ranks.

Speaking at the ICN Congress in Montreal, Canada, ICN Chief Executive Officer Howard Catton said the Sudanese nurses decision to join ICN was extremely timely because of the very difficult conditions that its nurses are currently working under.

Mr Catton said: “The ongoing conflict in Sudan means that nurses there are putting their lives at risk to help their patients, in what are often very dangerous situations. As the ICN has said many times, there can never be any excuses for targeting nurses, other health care workers or health facilities, and I would repeat our call for an immediate ceasefire to end the misery that Sudan’s nurses and the people they care for are suffering.”

President of the Sudan Nurses Organisation Mowafag Hassan Hashim said: “Joining the ICN brings Sudan’s nurses into the global nursing family, and I am sure that, when the time comes, Sudan’s courageous nurses will celebrate this happy occasion.

‘In the meantime, I know it will bring them some comfort that the world’s nurses at the ICN Congress are aware of their plight, and that they will be sending them their support and best wishes.”

The ICN Congress is taking place in Montreal, Canada 1-5 July 2023. A message from President Mowafag Hassan Hashim will be included in the special plenary on nursing in conflict and disaster areas on July 5 8:30-10:00: The Future We (Re)build Together: Healthcare and Nursing in Conflict and Disaster Areas

It is also possible to watch this session and other plenary sessions as well as the opening and closing remotely by registering for Spotlight on Congress 2023

For more information go to https://icncongress2023.org/ or follow us on social media: #ICNCongress #ICN2023 @ICNurses

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