Closing date applications for 2023 ICN Global Nursing Leadership Institute: February 19!

Press Release GNLI
14 February 2023
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The International Council of Nurses will be closing applications for this year’s Global Nursing Leadership Institute (GNLITM) on February 19.

This is the final call to senior nurses who are considering joining this year’s cohort to make their applications in good time to meet the deadline.

The GNLI is a unique leadership programme that brings together senior nurses from every region of the world. It provides them with exposure to global health leadership and policymaking at the very highest level.

Graduates from the GNLI programme learn the skills necessary to actively participate and influence policymaking in healthcare organisations, governments and internationally. Many of them go on to highly influential nursing jobs in healthcare organisations, higher education establishments and government departments.

For more information see our web story and visit the GNLI programme website.

Download the communique here