BBC StoryWorks honoured by Webby Awards for Caring with Courage, a series produced for the ICN showing nurses’ uplifting stories from across the globe

Press Release Congress 2023
28 June 2023
PR 18

BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions has been honoured at this year’s prestigious Webby Awards for its uplifting series produced for the ICN Caring with Courage, depicting the amazing and inspiring work of nurses from around the world.

Caring with Courage was named as one of only four Honourees at the Webby Awards 2023 in the Branded Entertainment – Video Series category. Nearly 14,000 pieces of work from more than 70 countries, were entered for Webby Awards this year, which were reviewed and judged by the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences. Being honoured at the Webby Awards means Caring with Courage is in the good company of other former award winners including the BBC’s editorial series Blue Planet and BBC Olympic online coverage.

ICN Chief Executive Officer Howard Catton congratulated BBC StoryWorks on behalf of the world’s nurses for its sensitive and intelligent films, which have succeeded in capturing the true essence of nursing.

Mr Catton said: “This series is about changing the nursing narrative, giving nurses the visibility, they deserve, busting outdated myths, and raising the bar on gender equality.

‘When the production team came to us it was clear that they had been touched by what they had seen of the caring and courage of nurses during the pandemic. We were pleased to connect them with nurses around the world whose everyday work makes extraordinary viewing because it is so often hidden from public view.

‘The Caring with Courage series has been seen around the world and I am sure it will inspire an increased respect for nurses and encourage others to join the ranks of what is the greatest profession on earth.

‘I am very happy and proud to congratulate the filmmakers at BBC StoryWorks for the amazing job they did in bringing the work of nurses to the attention of people everywhere. And I am looking forward to exploring their work further in the panel discussion with them at ICN Congress on July 2.”

BBC StoryWorks Programme Partnerships Vice President, Simon Shelley said “A phenomenal achievement, this selection as an honouree showcases this inspiring film series as an outstanding piece of work. This incredible award recognises this series produced for the ICN as a valuable contribution to the healthcare sector.”

Caring with Courage came to ICN seeking stories from around the world which would showcase the extraordinary work of today’s nurses. Told by storytelling experts, the series featured individuals on the frontlines of healthcare, including tales of technological innovations, helping newborns and their parents, the male nurse breaking menstrual taboos in Kenyan schools, the hospital train stretching out across remote communities of South Africa, and the countless personal stories igniting the passion of these inspiring people.

In recent months the series has also been nominated for the World Health Organization Health for All award and has received a Bronze Award from the International Content Marketing Awards.

There are far more nursing stories to be told from around the world, from bedside care experiences to the cutting-edge innovations that are changing the face of healthcare. We will be exploring the inspiring stories from this series in the discussion with BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions at ICN Congress 2023 in Montreal on July 2 between 08:30–09:30 in the Plenary Room. The discussion will take a deep dive into what the series means for nursing and celebrate the wonderful work of nurses around the world. Over 12 months on from the launch, what does the reaction to the series show about the appetite for innovation in the world of healthcare and necessity of driving the narrative and myth busting?

The Webby Awards

Established in 1996, the Webby Awards are the leading international awards celebrating and honouring excellence in digital marketing on the Internet. Bestowing the likes of National Geographic, the U.S Chamber of Commerce, Google Earth and Patagonia with awards celebrating digital excellence, the Webby Awards champion innovative, current, and ground-breaking digital endeavours in web design, video and advertising.

Discover the inspiring personal stories on the dedicated series website here:

If you’re based in the UK or China, find the award-winning series here:

The ICN Congress is taking place in Montreal, Canada, from 1-5 Juy 2023. For more information go to or follow us on social media: #ICNCongress #ICN2023 @ICNurses

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