Attention all nurses! ICN and the Canadian Nurses Association invite the world’s nurses to its 2023 Congress in Montreal this July - Early Bird discounts close 31 January

Press Release Congress 2023
26 January 2023

The Presidents of the International Council of Nurses and the Canadian Nurses Association are sending out an invitation to the world’s nurses to attend this year’s ICN Congress 2023 in Montreal, Canada, on July 1-5 to celebrate the profession and plan for nursing in a new, post-pandemic age.

Under the theme Nurses together, a force for global health, we will come together for the first time since our Congress in Singapore in 2019 with renewed energy after the many difficult challenges of the past three years.

The important work of our scientific programme will take centre stage, but it will be balanced with an extensive social and cultural programme to ensure that the thousands of nurses who attend will have a rich and rewarding experience that will stay with them long after they return home.

Attending this global nursing conference will provide nurses with an opportunity to connect with their fellow professionals, share their own experiences, participate in symposia and break-out groups, learn from expert speakers and, most importantly of all, recharge their batteries after the traumas of caring during the pandemic.

Speaking directly to the world’s nurses, ICN President Pamela Cipriano said: “Nurses, you have been on the front lines of the pandemic and in the difficult times since, and we understand the toll that has taken. I would urge you to attend this year’s ICN Congress to ensure that you don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from your colleagues, share your knowledge, experiences and expertise, and gain the support you need to continue your vital work. Register now so that you don’t miss out on a chance to recharge, learn and grow at this essential gathering at this pivotal moment in healthcare history.”

Canadian Nurses Association President Sylvain Brousseau added: “Canada’s nurses are very keen to meet their international counterparts in Montreal this summer. We have worked hard with ICN to ensure there is something for nurse who attends, no matter what setting they work in or the stage of their careers. We can guarantee a warm welcome and an invigorating Congress – what better way could there be to celebrate our profession than with the support of like-minded colleagues from around the globe? Montreal awaits the world’s nurses – make sure you are among them when the opening ceremony begins on 1 July.”

Benefits of attending ICN Congress, for which Early Bird Congress places are available until January 31, include:

  • An extensive and wide-ranging scientific programme including plenary sessions, main, regional and concurrent sessions, e-poster displays, symposia and interactive policy cafés
  • E-poster viewing and the chance to meet abstract poster presenters
  • National Nursing Association symposia showcasing NNA’s work and their message to the global nursing audience
  • Professional visits to see aspects of the Canadian health and university system
  • Student Assembly that will mobilise and enthuse future nurses around the issues currently facing the profession
  • ICN Continuing Nursing Education Credits for all nurse attendees

For more details visit the ICN Congress website.

Download the press release here