Lt. Col. Sarvjeet Kaur, PhD, MSc, BSc (Delhi, India)

GNLI 2023 Faculty and SEARO Region Facilitator

Lt Col (Dr) Sarvjeet Kaur, PhD (Public Administration), MSc (Nursing) Community Health Nursing, BSc (Nursing) is working as the Secretary of the Indian Nursing Council, which is the NNA in India under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. She was a student of GNLI in 2019 and has been a Co-facilitator for SEARO region for GNLI since 2020 after having undergone the co-facilitator programme. Dr Kaur has a rich academic and clinical experience of 15 years and administrative experience of around seven years, working in various capacities in many tertiary care hospitals across India, and educational institutes under different universities and military headquarters in Delhi. She is a recognised post-graduate and undergraduate teacher in nursing and has a rich experience teaching MSc(N) and BSc(N) students. Dr Kaur’s professional passion is working in the public health setup to strengthen maternal and child healthcare: her key interest areas are providing home-based preventive promotive care. She has helped upgrade Diploma to BSc programme and Schools of Nursing to Colleges of Nursing, prepared new course curriculum and worked with national authorities. As a regulator, she has worked actively in formulation and implementation of various government policies for nursing education and development. Including the revision of curriculum to include current competencies, implementation of practitioner roles for nurses in India, inclusion of residency programmes, nursing safety issues during COVID, facilitating national midwifery initiative with NGOs and other stakeholders, and the creation of a national nursing workforce account portal.

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