Leadership For Change™ (LFC)

LFC logo

Established in 1995, the ICN LFC programme aims to prepare nurses with the leadership skills that are required to implement organisational change for the purpose of improving nursing practice and achieving better health outcomes.

The LFC programmes are tailored to respond to the specific needs of the countries in which they are implemented. This is achieved through close collaboration with the national nurse associations.

The programmes may also involve national Ministries of Health or other health care related organisations. They provide participants opportunities to develop understanding of global health challenges, obtain insight into international leadership styles, and be exposed to and analyse change management in the context of health system redesign and transformation and health and social policy.

The LFC Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop that concludes every LFC ensures the sustainability of the benefits of the programme locally by giving to the trainers in country the capacity to train other cohorts of nurses.

Based on the success of the current programmes and methodology, the LFC programmes build a stronger and more efficient workforce which in turn, brings significant benefits to the populations they serve. This is demonstrated in the publication “The ICN Leadership For Change Programme™ – 20 years of growing influence” which can be downloaded here. ICN LFC programmes have been implemented in more than 40 countries.

The Nightingale Challenge hosted the first of its employer webinars on 27 Sept 2019 titled “Voices from nurses in practice – ICN’s Leadership For Change™ (LFC)”. The webinar was chaired by Anthony Harbin, Nursing Now and hosted by Kristine Qureshi, Programme Director and Claire Medd, Programme Manager at the International Council of Nurses (ICN).

Webinar materials

Voices from nurses in practice - ICN’s Leadership For Change (LFC)™

PDF (2 MB)


Webinar videos

Other materials

Leadership for Change - Leaflet

PDF (804 KB)
